Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Charles Bargue paintings

Charles Bargue (c. 1826/1827 – April 6, 1883) was a french artist. A lithographer as well as a painter, who devised a drawing course. He is better known for the drawing cource (which is about 150 litographed drawings, that were meant students to copy, for a preliminary excercise of drawing casts and live model). But he was also quite good painter. He didnt painted like big figure compositions or other big complex things. Instead he did perfect small scale single figure paintings.
Wikipedia article about Charles Bargue
Web gallery of hes work
Gerald Ackermans book about Charles Bargue (this is must buy, for people who want to study classical art)

A Turkish Sentinel 1877. Oil on panel.
 Le jeu dĂ©checs. 17 x 23cm Sold for  £8,125 at auction
crhisties 2009
Bashi-Bazouk. 1875. Oil on canvas
A Turkish Sentinel. 1877. MFA Boston
Oil on panel. 28x21cm
Seated Negro. 1871. Oil on panel 26x20cm
Muslims At Prayer. Sketch. 1875-80 Oil on
canvas. 36x27cm
The Flute Player. 1880. Oil on panel. 28x19cm
Bashi-Bazouk, Seated. Sketck. 1880s
Oil on canvas. 47x33cm
Gallery of Hamilton Ontario
An Oriental Coffeehouse. 1877
Watercolor on paper. 30x22cm
The Prayer to Allah. Sketch. 1874
Oil on canvas 46x33cm
The Greek Singer. 1877 Watercolor on paper
36x27cm. Singed "Gerome" on lower left, but
the drawing manner recembles more Bargues.
Arab Merchant Among His Antiques. 1877
Oil on panel. 33x24cm
Oriental Merchant. 1877
The Chess Players. 1882. Oil on panel. 27x44cm
A Footman Sleeping. 1871. Metropolitan
Museum of Art NY. 35x26cm
The Artist and His Model. Oil on panel. 27x20cm
The Guard (or Keeper of the Harem)
1877. Oil on honeycombed alumnium
Seated Breton. 1871. Oil on paper 26x21cm
Bashi-Bazouks Playing Chess. 1882-83
Oil on panel. 88x69cm. Malden public library
Massachusetts. (This was the last painting
that bargue did, before hes stroke. Its
suspected that Gerome finished this one
and sold, to pay bargues rent from his studio)
The Sentinel. 1873. Oil on panel. 28x22cm
The Sentinel. 1873. 32x22cm. Oil on canvas
The Painter Sketch. 1874. Oil on Canvas 25x16

The Almeh 1879. Oil on panel

The Artists Model. 1874.
Oil on panel. 24x16cm.
National Gallery of
Seated Young Man from
Behind, Study. 26x25cm.
Oil on canvas
Artist and His Model. Photogravure 1867. 63x48
Arabs at Prayer.
Grisaille. 1875-81.
Seated Young Man from Behind, Bare Back, Study. Oil on canvas. 27x24cm.
Head of a Young Man,
Study. 1876
The Artist at His Easel. Sketch. 1878. 24x15cm
The Opionion of the Model. 1874. 28x22cm

Greek Soldier, Pink and White Outfit. 1877 27x19cm
At His Devotion. Sketch. 1870-80. 50x30cm. Oil on panel
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

8 Foot Human Giants Mummified Remains from California is Purchased by the Smithsonian

8 Foot Human Giants Mummified Remains Purchased by the Smithsonian

An unlikely scenario is presented by the Smithsonian of the fraud of the giant mummified remains. First they sent their agents to view the mummy and then purchased it. It was only after it was shipped back to Washington D.C. that they disclosed that it was a fraud.  How likely is it that two prospectors would have had the expertise to assemble a life like mummy that would fool the Smithsonian experts?  What was their motive? 

The Salt Lake tribune., June 07, 1908
The San Diego Giant.
The mummy of the “tallest human giant who ever lived” was being shown by a at the Atlantic exposition while., a number of these Smithsonian scientists were there. They asked
permission to examine It and when consent was given applied their tapes and found that It measured eight feet four Inches from crown to heel. The giant had been found In a cave near San Diego. Cal., by a party of prospectors, according lo the exhibitor. Over the head were the remains of a leather hood which appeared to have been part of a shroud. Worn teeth were visible In the mouth and the outlines of the ribs were plainly seen through the skin. The elongated, emaciated body stood erect In a great, narrow coffin, ten feet long. The exhibitor agreed to sell it for $500 to the Smithsonian, which dispatched Mr. Lucas to the scene  with, Prof. W. J. McKee. A piece of lhe giant’s dried skin was removed and when tested In the chemical laboratory of the Smithsonian was found to be gelatine. Professor McKee Is shown on the left of the giant, In the accompanying picture, and the exhibitor who was perfectly Innocent of the fraud, Is shown on Its right. 
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Why Facial Oil is the Single Best Beauty Product You’re Probably Not Using

I know what youre thinking, if oil on my skin causes acne, blemishes and breakouts, arent I doing my pretty face a disservice by slathering it in facial oil? While conventional beauty wisdom of the past might have agreed with you, todays dermatologists and aestheticians say otherwise. In fact, facial oil has the ability to help with redness, irritation and even breakouts. Read on to find out more about the beauty product youre probably not using, but should seriously consider.
What is facial oil?

Facial oil can be made from a blend of natural botanical oils or be comprised of just one type, such as the all-popular argan oil. Some oils boast added vitamins and minerals for an extra nourishing punch to your dermis. You can find them in a variety of prices, from a variety of brands and companies like The Body Shop (Tea Tree Oil, $9.50) and Bobbi Brown (Extra Face Oil, $62). And if youre on a budget, this is one beauty trick that has major DIY beauty potential. Pure virgin olive oil can be used on regular skin in place of a fancy brand name, as can pure coconut oil. The site Crunch Betty even has a three-ingredient facial oil recipe that mimics the oils available on store shelves. Different botanical blends are ideal for different skin types and purposes from anti-aging to acne. Its important to read the labels and descriptions before you buy, especially if you have a specific skin problem youre dealing with.


While this list is by no means exhaustive, lets go ahead and address the biggest concerns women have before they try these oils:
Will they clog my skin and will they leave a greasy finish? No and No. Certain types of oils are non-comedogenic. That means they wont clog your skin. The types of oil used for facial treatments have a lightweight structure that actually makes them absorb into skin ultra fast, leaving it soft not greasy, according to Pevonia Botanicals Educator, Melissa Morris.

What type should I use? We found an awesome chart (that doesnt just promote certain brands), listing specific types of oil that should be used with specific skin concerns. Quick and easy to follow, youll find it here.

Benefits of facial oil

Okay, so these oils are a good thing for your skin. But how and why? Natural botanical oils impart nourishment that isnt created in a lab, unlike so many moisturizers. In fact, many women take expert advice that facial oils are better for aging skin than moisturizers and use them exclusively instead of facial creams. They protect against free radicals, particles in the air that result in aging skin. Due to their fast absorption, they leave skin soft, supple and plump. Certain oils, such as argan, are anti-inflammatory, which means they help with redness and reduce irritation. They can even aid in creating better absorption of your anti-aging products, if you feel inclined to use both. It just takes applying the oil before your night cream. And while its not meant to take the place of sunscreen, it can add extra protection to your skin when worn underneath. Overall, it delivers repairing and preventative benefits in terms of aging and can address a variety of skin concerns—naturally. Oh, and they smell great, too.

When and how to use facial oil

Facial oil can be used underneath regular skincare and beauty products or on their own. They can be used in the morning, evening or both. The key is to make sure skin is clean and dry before you apply it. Focus on problem areas with the oil of your choice and gently use circular massaging motions to help the oil get down into your skin and get its work done. Definitely read the instructions of any oil you buy at the store, too.
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How to transfer files to and from an iPad

It’s true that you can use your iPad instead of your Mac to take care of many common computing tasks. But unless you’re ready to ditch Mac OS X entirely, you’ll still need to transfer files back and forth between your iPad and your Mac if you’re going to get work done.
Unfortunately, transferring and synchronising files between the Mac and the tablet isn’t easy. There are several different ways to do it, but none are perfect, and each has its deficiencies. Frankly, this is one area where Apple could vastly improve the iPad experience. Until that happens, here are your choices when it comes to transferring files between your various devices.......
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Monday, March 9, 2015

Plan Toys Numbers 1 10

Plan Toys Numbers 1-10


  • 10 wooden number tiles
  • 10 wooden picture tiles


When it comes to learning, I am all into the hands on mulit-seonsory approach. Teaching kids to count is no exception at all.  The Plan Toys Numbers 1-10 game is one of the toys I wish I had for my girls when they were younger.

Each of the 20 tiles included in the Plan Toys Numbers 1-10 are made of wooden all natural ingredients. One set of tiles contains the number indented into the wood while the other part has the objects paint and invented on the wood. For a more complex level, the child can flip over the tiles to find the word spelled out on onside and indented dots to count on the other. 

For example the number six is all in purple. On the left hand side the child will see they number six and then count six purple butterflies. When flipped over the number s-i-x is spelled out in lowercase letter with six dots for the child to count.


  • Teaches numbers
  • The grooves are perfect sensory for little fingers
  • Eco- friendly
  • Sturdy


  • Not self correcting


  • Have the child start with a number and then trace that number with his finger. After the number is traced, have the child place the finger into each picture and count it out loud. For example the number 7. Have the child use this finger to go along the groove of the number seven. After he traces and feels the number 7 it is off to count the fish. The child will then proceed to poke or feel the fish while counting out loud. This is good for both tracking and sensory learning.
  • If you child is more advanced when it comes to numbers, try challenging your child. You can have them arrange the numbers from greatest to least or least to greatest. The Plan Toys Numbers 1-10 tiles can also be used side by side to see which is least or greatest. For example give your child the two orange houses and the nine lady bugs. After your child counts each of them ask them which is more? This will help ready your child for more advanced word problems only this time they get to have fun while doing it.

Age Range:

  • 2 -5
  • Child counting
  • Fun word problems

Bottom Line:

I like grow with me toys and Plan Toys Numbers 1-10 is one of them. In the beginning, the child can touch and feel the numbers while he familiarizes himself with the concept of counting. As the child masters the skills, he can move onto reading the numbers on the back and counting objects that are all the same. I wold recommend getting Plan Toys Numbers 1-10. I like the sensory aspect as well as the visual feedback the child gets. It is well wroth the investment.

*If your child is interested in Plan Toys Numbers 1-10 feel free to click on any of the links. 

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Nephilim Giant Skeleton Discovered in Kingwood West Virginia

Nephilim Giant Skeleton Discovered in Kingwood, West Virginia

Oswego Times and Express, November 12, 1883
     The Skeleton of a Giant- Kingwood, W. Va.,- A human skull was unearthed here which measures 40 inches around the forehead. The skeleton is supposed to have been 14 feet high."
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A Forwarded Message What Happens in Heaven

A Forwarded Message: What Happens in Heaven?

I dreamt that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, This is the Receiving Section.
Here, all petitions to God said in prayer are received.

I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on
voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world.

Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section..

The angel then said to me, This is the Packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the
people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them... I noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were being packaged for delivery to Earth.

Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at the door of a very small station. To my great surprise, only one angel was seated there, idly doing nothing. This is the Acknowledgment Section, my angel friend quietly admitted to me. He seemed embarrassed How is it that there is no work going on here? I asked.

So sad, the angel sighed. After people receive the blessings that they asked for, very few send back acknowledgments

How does one acknowledge Gods blessings? I asked.

Simple, the angel answered. Just say, Thank you, Lord.

What blessings should they acknowledge? I asked.

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the worlds wealthy .

And if you get this on your own computer, you are part of the 1% in the world who has that opportunity.

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness
... you are more blessed than the many who will not even survive this day .

If you have never experienced the fear in battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or
the pangs of starvation .... you are ahead of 700 million people in the world.

If you can attend a church without the fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death you are envied by, and more blessed than, three billion people in the world.

If your parents are still alive and still married are very rare .

If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm, youre unique to all those in doubt and despair.

Okay, what now? How can I start? If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you as very special and you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all.

Have a good day, count your blessings!!!
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World’s Largest And Most Amazing Buildings

World’s Largest And Most Amazing Buildings

See some of the world’s largest and biggest buildings in the world.

 Check out also their amazing features that make them famous all over the world.
Content Source: Bukisa - World’s Largest And Most Amazing Buildings
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Two EBooks about Animals

Animals are really amazing creatures. They have a lot to teach kids. From a very young age we teach kids the fun sounds the animals make. I know for my classes, when the kids have some excess energy, we do some physical activities according to the different animals. We have fun. Having fun is only a small part of life. Kids need to learn as well. I am pleased to teach my girls more about the snakes and lions through these fun books. The next time we have fun with animals, my girls will have a deeper understanding about the physical animals as well.



Dan Jackson


SNAKES starts off by intruding the name to kids. the word snake means to crawl. Now this makes sense. We are only on the first page, and already kids want to crawl. Best learning ever. This book is filled with amazing interesting fact for every kid. For example one kid loves the fact that the snake is flexible allowing him to eat bigger food while the next kid loves that snakes have no ears. 

Though the book of really interring facts, each page has a different photograph of a snake. The images are colorful and well detailed. I am in love with the ending of the book. After going through the different snakes from save to poisonous, the book informs kids to stay away. If they see a snake, they should seek out an adult. This is really important because one wrong move, and a child can be in serious trouble. 

Snakes are so amazing. So are the Lions. They have so much to offer as well. 


I Wish I Were a LION

Dan Jackson


The lion, king of the jungle, acceding to I Wish I Were a LION is the second to largest cat. A neat fact kids love. After this great fact, this book takes kids on a personalized journey through the magical kingdom of the lion. For example if the child was the lion, he would have a body build for hunting or can jump 11 meters. My favorite one, is that the lion likes to take long naps. Not  favorite of the kids. But at the same time, we make nap time into a game, act like a lion and roar off to dream land. Okay so it only worked the first time but at least I got somewhere. 

The Lion is a really amazing animal. If living in the juggle is not enough, this books tells kids a little about their other roles like playing in a circus or being the Lion King. Overall this book is very playful and fun for kids.

I like teaching through play. As much as we play, I think there is a lot to learn through reading as well. Books about animals are so much fun for kids. After reading books about animals, I have noticed two things. One, when my girls play, there is more knowledge and talking going on. Two, they ask more questions. We do more research and more playing. This allows them to discover the direction of their education. There is no better way to start this journey then through a book. 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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Murder with a KISS!

A woman has been sentenced to death for killing her lover with a kiss! Xia Xinfeng and her childhood sweetheart, Mao Ansheng, swore an oath that if either was unfaithful, they would have to die. Xia took action after she saw her man talking to a woman in a way that made her suspicious, a court in Henan province, central China, was told.

They had arranged to meet the next day at a public bath-house. She filled a plastic pellet with rat poison, hid it under her tongue, and while they were kissing, nudged it into his mouth. Mao failed to notice it, swallowed it and died shortly afterwards.

Rat poison is one of the common methods of murder and suicide in China, so much so that one variety, "dushuqiang" was banned three years ago. In one case, a widow used it to kill 10 guests, with whom she had been engaged in a feud, at her husbands funeral banquet.

Despite the crackdown, however, besides Xin Xinfeng, a couple from Yunnan province, Chen Lihua and Huang Jianxiao, were also sentenced to death this week, suspended for two years, for lacing their respective spouses dinners with rat poison.

Source : The Shanghai Daily
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Amazing Facts About The Human Skin PurpleSlinky

Amazing Facts About The Human Skin | PurpleSlinky

One of the most important sense organs is the skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body.  The color of the skin is also the primary determinant of the race where one particular person belongs.

1.) A square inch of foreskin from circumcised baby takes only 3 weeks to grow skin that can cover 3 basketball courts. The laboratory-grown skin is used in treating burn patients.
2.) On the average, a human skin has an area of about 2.0 m² and weighs up to 3.4 kg and accounts for 12% of the body weight.
3.) With the aid of magnifying glass, humans are more hairy than monkeys. The hairs are too tiny for the naked eye.


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